
Abdominal Separation: The Best 5 Exercises for a Stronger Core!

You, like many of my clients, are wondering what a Abdominal Separation or Diastasis recti safe workout is.  

A Abdominal Separation safe workout is a workout where you do not make your diastasis larger.

During the first six weeks of my Tupler Technique program, the goal is to develop transverse muscle awareness and strength.

The transverse muscle is your innermost abdominal muscle which wraps around your whole body and also attaches to your outermost abdominal muscles in the front.

So, in week six you have the strength to use your transverse abdominal muscle with every repetition of every exercise. If you have a diastasis you do not want to o exercises that stretch your connective tissue in a forwards or sideways direction.

The first exercise you do not want to do with a Abdominal Separation is any exercise where your abdominals are in a downward-facing position. That is because all the weight of your organs will be stretching your connective tissue in a forward’s direction. Do those planks and pushups standing against the wall.

The second exercise you don’t want to do is any exercise where you arch your back. Arching your back flares your ribs and flaring your ribs stretches your connective tissue in a sideways direction. So no more backbends or cobra when doing yoga!

Make sure when doing seated exercises that your shoulders are lined up with your hips. When your upper back goes behind your hips that will arch your back. Also, make sure that your elbow is lined up with your shoulder. If it goes behind your shoulder this will also arch your back. To find out more about how to close your diastasis with the Tupler Technique click on the link below for a free copy of my Tupler Tips.

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To learn more about Diastasis Recti & the Tupler Technique® read this article: DIASTASIS RECTI RESEARCH AND EVIDENCED BASED EXERCISE PROGRAM

To view my programs click this link: Save on Packages


Watch the short video below to know what a diastasis is.

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